Tutorial on JavaScriptThis part of my web site contains a series of lessons that I wrote to teach JavaScript. Each consists of a lesson file in Microsoft Word format (about 5 or 6 pages), a series of homework questions (again in Word format) and a web page - which duplicates the material in the Word document plus some additional material. (Well, otherwise you wouldn't have an incentive to look at the web site, would you!) The homework questions (plus - who knows? - a few more?) are also present in the form of a web page at the end of the web page for each lesson.
ResourcesA good place to look to find a wealth of scripts, tips, chat rooms about JavaScript etc. is ScriptSearch.com. Well worth a visit! Here's another good one that I recommend, AllTheScripts.com. Again, it contains a large number of scripts, tutorials, hints, tips - everything you wanted to know about JavaScript but were too afraid to ask! Another site that's worth a visit is CodeTeacher.com. My thanks to Johan Struijk for recommending this one. These notes are not copyright and may be freely copied and changed as you think fit (except being carved into stone by one-legged Lithuanians - well, I've got to draw the line somewhere, haven't I!) |